Statement on racism
Church in Regent Park condemns racism and its underlying denial that all people are loved by God, are created in His image, and have equal dignity and value.
Racism is a form of discrimination that values and privileges some groups of people above others and denies the personhood of some based on skin colour, descent, national or ethnic origin.
CIRP commits to combat racism and its related attitudes and injustices. We join in the collective grief and lament of so many that this problem directly impacts. This is not only an American problem, but exists in Canada too. We are reminded of this by current demonstrations in Canada and the lived experience of our sisters and brothers of colour.
Our Lord Jesus Christ calls us to be peacemakers and ambassadors of reconciliation, and to break down the walls that divide, including racism. We commit ourselves to the pursuit of justice and peace, and we invite you to join us. – Inspired by the EFC’s Statement on Racism
Email Us
Church in Regent Park
P.O. Box 82878
Toronto, ON, M5A 3Y2
Saturday Community Meal 5-6pm YSM Davis Centre 270 Gerrard St E Toronto, ON, M5A 2G4
Sunday Worship @ 3:30 pm: Nelson Mandela Park Public School, 440 Shuter St, Toronto, M5A 1X6